Finkbuilt Gallery Presents: About this exhibition

Mark Frauenfelder with his wife Carla founded the essential Boing Boing blog (originally as a print zine). Mark is also a magazine editor, Illustrator, Engineer, Adventurer, Author, Father, and Pop sub-culturist. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.

Could you tell the visitors about your Lure?

It's a bumbleswine. Bacon is a delicacy most fish would love. The yellowjacket markings are fair warning to fish that this potential treat could be deadly. I believe in giving the fish a sporting chance.

How did you end up being an artist?

I tend to become obsessed with something and then burn out on it after couple of years. Painting and drawing have remained lifelong obessesions.

Who are some of your greatest artistic influences?

Jim Flora, Tim Biskup, Mary Blair, Chip Wass, Ed Benedict, John Krifalusi, unknown commercial artists from the 1950s and 1960s.

What music do you have in heavy rotation right now?

Australian and New Zealand garage punk from the 1960s.

What do you do for fun?

Drink espresso, get massages at the mall, pick figs on my tree.

When was the last time you went fishing?

About three months ago I took my kids fishing (age 9 and 4) at a nearby pond. They each caught a fish. I had to borrow needle nose pliers from a guy to pull out the hooks.

Do you have any words of wisdom for new or aspiring artists?

Try our color combinations on the computer before comitting to paper (or lure)